Jiangsu Aerospace Sanyou Technology Co., Ltd

Jiangsu Aerospace Sanyou Technology Co., Ltd

گھر> خبریں> Jargon Related to Solar Window Film

Jargon Related to Solar Window Film

August 19, 2021

(1) Visible Light Transmission (VLT, the ratio of transmitted visible light flux to incident visible light flux under given spectral composition, polarization state and geometric distribution of incident visible light). : 1%~ 90%;

(2) Visible Light Reflection (VLR, the ratio of reflected visible light flux to incident visible light flux given the spectral composition, polarization state and geometric distribution of incident visible light.) : 5%~50%;

(3) Infrared Blocking (IR Cut, in the near infrared spectrum range of 780nm-2500nm, the ratio of blocking near infrared light flux to incident near infrared light flux) : 10% ~99%;

(4) Ultraviolet Transmittance (UVT, in the ultraviolet spectrum of 280nm-380nm, the ratio of transmitted UV flux to incident UV flux.) : 1% or less;

(5) Direct Solar Transmission (Tsol, the ratio of directly transmitted solar energy intensity to incident solar energy intensity in the solar spectrum range from 300nm to 2500nm) : 1%~90%;

(6) Total Solar Transmittance (SHGC, the ratio of the solar radiation that gets indoor heat through doors and Windows or curtain wall components to the solar radiation projected onto doors and Windows or curtain wall components). : 10% ~90%;

(7) Shielding Factor (Sc, the ratio of the amount of solar radiation energy passing through the window glass to the amount passing through the 3mm transparent glass of the same area) : 0.1 to 1.0

(8) Impact Resistance: 1kg, 2.26kg steel ball, 1m height drop, not through.

ہم سے رابطہ کریں


Ms. Rain



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ہم سے رابطہ کریں


Ms. Rain



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